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5 Elements Of A Well-Designed Business Website

Your business website is a crucial part of making in any of today’s thriving industries.  The IoT is heavily populated by consumers every minute of every day.  It is an infinite marketing resource that you can begin harnessing with a great business website.  

If your business already has a website (even one for pgp tools), it’s best to assure your build has the basics of a solid design.  Take a moment to read through this brief look at a few essential elements of a well-designed business website, and start optimizing your site today.  

Mobile optimization is vital

Mobile access to the internet can no longer be swept under the rug in the development of your business website.  If you want a site that meets the needs of the masses, then it has to be built for mobile access. 

The majority of web users are accessing pages from a range of different screen sizes.  Your site has to be built to adapt to the device that is currently being used to access your pages. 

You need a great “About Us” page

Adding a space for an “About Us” page on your business website is a great way to begin building a sense of rapport with your digital audience.  Let people know who you are and give them a reason to relate to the professionals in your organization.  

Bringing the human element to the surface for web users is important in a time where so much of our world is automated or robotic in nature.  Add pictures of your team and a quick bio for each person to give viewers a sneak peek into your operation.  

Simple navigation is important

Make sure the structure of your sitemap is simple enough to follow, and add a stationary navigation option for user convenience.  People need to feel free to explore, so don’t make it hard on them.  

A simple navigation tool will lay out a clear path for the information web users are looking to find.  Become a user of your own site, so you can experience your design firsthand.  

Use high quality images/videos

Your website needs visual stimulation to hold the attention of web users.  If you present a page of text, people will quickly bore.  Add high quality images and videos to your design to spice things up a bit.  Make sure your videos and images are not a source of lag on your page, and compress files if necessary.  

Set up a “Blog” section 

Adding a blog to your business website is a useful tool for building return visitors.  When your blog is good enough to catch the eye of readers, it’s good enough for them to return.  Take the time to develop an engaging collection of blog posts, and give your website substance.  

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